Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow

Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 1 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 2 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 3 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 4 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 5 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 6 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 7 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 8 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 9 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 10 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 11 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 12 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 13 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 14 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 15 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 16 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 17 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 18 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 19 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 20 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 21 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 22 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 23 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 24 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 25 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 26 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 27 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 28 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 29 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 30 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 31 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 32 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 33 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 34 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 35 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 36 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 37 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 38 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 39 - Agronetto
Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow | Image 40 - Agronetto
Interested in the ad?
HUF 14,250,000
≈ $38,910
Contact the seller
Brand: Kuhn
Type: disk harrow
Year of manufacture: 2020
Location: Hungary Szeged7773 km from you
Placed on: Mar 7, 2025
Agronetto ID: VU44684
Working width: 4 m
Condition: used
Additional services

More details — Kuhn Cultimer L4000 disk harrow

Year: 2020
Type: Semi-mounted
Working width:(m)4
Draw width:(m)2.82
Min. tractor power:(LE)160
Max. tractor power:(LE)280
Number of tines:13
Number of leveling discs:10
Approximate weight (kg) with 600 mm HD-Liner roller and NSM tines:4300
Hitch mechanism: Std drawbar cat. 3 and 4
Transport wheels: 520/50-17, sprung
Working depth adjustment as standard mechanical or – as an optional extra – hydraulic:
Beam height: (cm) 85
Available wearing parts: 350 mm goosefoot hoe, 80 mm tiller point, 350 mm wings, 50 mm tiller point
Hydraulic conversion: / Tillage: 1 x KM Lift: 1 KM - Tillage: 1 x KM
Signal devices
Hydraulic cylinder control
Available cylinders: tubular, T-Ring, T-Liner, V-Liner, PackLiner, HD-Liner

The CULTIMER is the ideal tillage cultivator for your farm. With its different types designed for agricultural businesses, this multi-purpose hoe cultivator performs three operations in a single pass.

With the CULTIMER M and L models, you can cultivate your fields in a variety of ways. Shallow stubble cultivation: immediately after harvesting, use shallow stubble cultivation to promote the germination of weed seeds and seeds that have fallen after the harvested crop. You can also use the same operation to spread out the stalk residues so that they can decompose as quickly as possible. Deep stubble cultivation, with plant mulch, from the end of summer: With a 10-15 cm deep stubble cultivation, you can prepare a seedbed for the cover crop and at the same time suppress unwanted weeds or crops. It can be even more advantageous if you can also carry out cover crop sowing in one pass by mounting SH sowing units on your CULTIMER. This will allow you to optimize your work and time. Deep tillage: in autumn or even at the end of winter, you can also carry out deeper tillage to improve the soil structure and prepare it for the next crop. Depending on the soil condition, set the working depth between 10 and 35 cm to create suitable conditions for the plant population. This operation can crush cover vegetation and destroy unwanted weeds in the soil, and create sufficient soil porosity to absorb winter precipitation.

The machine was advertised by Agro Partner Magyarország Kft.

The description is for information only. We reserve the right to make changes, errors and misspellings.
FIZESSEN AKÁR TERMÉNNYEL, vagy vásároljon lízingre 10% + Áfa önerővel! Munkaszélesség 4m, minimum lóerő igény: 160le, Kapák száma: 13, Szállító kerekek: 520/50-17 méretű és rugózott, Gerendelymagasság: (cm) 85

Gyártási év:2020
Típus: Féligfüggesztett
Vonulási szélesség:(m)2,82
Min.traktor teljesítmény:(Le)160
Max.traktor teljesítmény:(Le)280
Kapák száma:13
Egyengető tárcsák száma:10
Hozzávetőleges tömeg (kg) 600 mm-es HD-Liner hengerrel és NSM kapákkal:4300
Kapcsoló szerkezet: Std vonópad kat. 3 és 4
Szállító kerekek: 520/50-17 méretű, rugózott
Munkamélység-állítás alapfelszereltségben mechanikus vagy – opcionális felszerelésként – hidraulikus:
Gerendelymagasság: (cm) 85
Rendelhető kopóalkatrészek: 350 mm-es lúdtalp kapa, 80 mm-es művelőcsúcs, 350 mm-es szárnyak, 50 mm-es művelőcsúcs
Hidraulikus átalakítás: / Csukás: 1 x KM Emelés: 1 KM - Csukás: 1 x KM
hidraulikus hengerszabályozás
Rendelkezésre álló hengerek csőpálcás, T-Ring, T-Liner, V-Liner,PackLiner, HD-Liner

A CULTIMER az ideális kapás kultivátor a gazdasága számára. A mezőgazdasági vállalkozások számára kialakított különböző típusaival ez a többcélú kapás kultivátor három műveletet végez el egyetlen menetben.

A CULTIMER M és L típusokkal változatos módon művelheti területeit. Sekély tarlóművelés: közvetlenül betakarítást követően alkalmazzon sekély tarlóhántást a gyommagvak és a betakarított kultúra után elhullott magok kicsírázásának elősegítésére. Ugyanezzel a művelettel szétterítheti a szármaradványokat, hogy azok minél hamarabb lebomolhassanak. Mély tarlóművelés, növénytakaró mellett, a nyár végétől: 10-15 cm mélységű tarlóműveléssel magágyat készíthet elő a takarónövény-állománynak, és egyúttal visszaszoríthatja a nemkívánatos gyomokat vagy kultúrnövényeket. Még kedvezőbb lehet, ha CULTIMER gépére SH vetőegységeket szerelve egy menetben a takarónövény-vetést is el tudja végezni. Ezzel kiválóan optimalizálhatja munka- és időráfordítását. Mély talajművelés: ősszel vagy éppen tél végén végezhet mélyebb művelést is a talajszerkezet javítása és a következő kultúra számára történő előkészítése érdekében. A talajállapottól függően állítsa a munkamélységet 10 és 35 cm közé, hogy megfelelő körülményeket teremtsen a növényállomány számára. Ezzel a művelettel lezúzhatja a takarónövényzetet illetve elpusztíthatja a talajban lévő , nem kívánatos gyomfajokat, és megteremtheti a kellő talajporozitást a téli csapadék befogadása érdekében.

A leírás tájékoztató jellegű. A változtatás, tévedés és elírás jogát fenntartjuk. Jelen hirdetés nem minősül ajánlattételnek.

An fabricatie: 2020
Tip: Semi-suspendat
Lățimea de lucru: (m) 4
Lățimea transversală: (m) 2,82
Putere min. tractor: (Le) 160
Putere max. tractor: (Le) 280
Numar de sape: 13
Număr de discuri de nivelare: 10
Greutate aproximativă (kg) cu rolă HD-Liner de 600 mm și sape NSM: 4300
Mecanism de comutare: bară de tracțiune standard cat. 3 și 4
Roti de transport: marime 520/50-17, cu arcuri
Reglarea adâncimii de lucru mecanică standard sau – ca echipament opțional – hidraulic:
Înălțimea fasciculului: (cm) 85
Piese de uzură disponibile: grapă de 350 mm, cultivator de 80 mm, aripi de 350 mm, cultivator de 50 mm
Conversie hidraulică: / Pliere: 1 x KM Ridicare: 1 KM - Pliere: 1 x KM
dispozitive de semnalizare
controlul cilindrului hidraulic
Cilindri disponibili cu tijă tubulară, T-Ring, T-Liner, V-Liner, PackLiner, HD-Liner

CULTIMER este cultivatorul ideal pentru ferma dumneavoastră. Cu diferite tipuri concepute pentru întreprinderile agricole, acest cultivator cu sapă multifuncțională efectuează trei operațiuni într-o singură trecere.

Cu tipurile CULTIMER M și L, vă puteți cultiva câmpurile într-o varietate de moduri. Cultivarea miriștilor de mică adâncime: aplicați miriștii de mică adâncime imediat după recoltare pentru a promova germinarea semințelor de buruieni și a semințelor moarte după recolta recoltată. Puteți folosi aceeași acțiune pentru a întinde resturile de tulpină, astfel încât acestea să se poată descompune cât mai repede posibil. Cultivarea miriștilor adânci, lângă acoperirea plantelor, de la sfârșitul verii: cu cultivarea miriștii la adâncimea de 10-15 cm, puteți pregăti un pat de sămânță pentru stocul de plante de acoperire și în același timp suprimați buruienile nedorite sau plantele cultivate. Poate fi și mai favorabil dacă puteți planta și culturi de acoperire dintr-o singură mișcare, instalând unități de însămânțare SH pe mașina dvs. CULTIMER. Cu aceasta, vă puteți optimiza munca și cheltuielile de timp. Lucrare a solului in profunzime: puteti face lucrari mai profunde toamna sau la sfarsitul iernii pentru a imbunatati structura solului si a-l pregati pentru urmatoarea cultura. În funcție de starea solului, setați adâncimea de lucru între 10 și 35 cm pentru a crea condiții potrivite pentru populația de plante. Cu această operațiune, puteți zdrobi vegetația de acoperire și puteți distruge speciile de buruieni nedorite din sol și puteți crea porozitatea necesară a solului pentru a absorbi precipitațiile de iarnă.

Descrierea este doar cu titlu informativ. Ne rezervăm dreptul de a face modificări, erori și omisiuni. Acest anunț nu constituie o ofertă.

This offer is for guidance only. Please request more precise information from the seller.
Purchase tips
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Seller Verification

If you decide to buy equipment at a low price, make sure that you communicate with the real seller. Find out as much information about the owner of the equipment as possible. One way of cheating is to represent yourself as a real company. In case of suspicion, inform us about this for additional control, through the feedback form.

Price Check

Before you decide to make a purchase, carefully review several sales offers to understand the average cost of your chosen equipment. If the price of the offer you like is much lower than similar offers, think about it. A significant price difference may indicate hidden defects or an attempt by the seller to commit fraudulent acts.

Do not buy products which price is too different from the average price for similar equipment.

Do not give consent to dubious pledges and prepaid goods. In case of doubt, do not be afraid to clarify details, ask for additional photographs and documents for equipment, check the authenticity of documents, ask questions.

Doubtful prepayment

The most common type of fraud. Unfair sellers may request a certain amount of advance payment to “book” your right to purchase equipment. Thus, fraudsters can collect a large amount and disappear, no longer get in touch.

Varieties of this fraud may include:
  • Transfer of prepayment to the card
  • Do not make an advance payment without paperwork confirming the process of transferring money, if during the communication the seller is in doubt.
  • Transfer to the “Trustee” account
  • Such a request should be alarming, most likely you are communicating with a fraudster.
  • Transfer to a company account with a similar name
  • Be careful, fraudsters may disguise themselves as well-known companies, making minor changes to the name. Do not transfer funds if the company name is in doubt.
  • Substitution of own details in the invoice of a real company
  • Before making a transfer, make sure that the specified details are correct, and whether they relate to the specified company.
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